Greetings Hope Oceania churches
I would like to remind us about God’s great calling upon our churches. He desires to see our city, country and the nations be transformed by the gospel. Let us reach out to the lost with a sense of urgency just like the early Christians in the book of Acts
“Those who had been scattered preached the Word wherever they went.” (Acts 8:4 NIV).
The believers of Jerusalem were scattered like seeds OUT of the city TO the surrounding regions of Judea and Samaria due to circumstances beyond their control. Instead of losing their faith, they instead spread the Gospel to a greater geographical area.
I was inspired by the recent mission trip to Darwin by Hope Gold Coast. The mission trip was made possible because Renee Gwee had to move from Gold Coast to Darwin due to work commitments.
Even though the challenges are great: she is on her own in a distant city, having to make new friends with the locals, and working with the indigenous communities, I admire her courage and vision to bring the Gospel to the city of Darwin and the Northern Territory.
We should bring the Gospel wherever we go. Maybe God is calling you to another city or country; maybe He is calling you to another neighbourhood or community; or even going on a summer holiday to another city or country. Wherever you go, be an ambassador for Christ – preach the Word wherever you go.
- If you have a burden for Darwin and the NT and want to partner with the work there through prayer, going on a mission trip or through other means, do contact me at missions@hopebrisbane.com.
May Cheung
Missions Coordinator, Hope Oceania

Vision for Darwin

Renee Gwee from Hope Gold Coast moved to Darwin in April 2009 to work as a public health nutritionist in remote indigenous communities in the Northern Territory. Before leaving the Gold Coast, God placed upon this young lady’s heart a desire to see a life group started in Darwin.
[Renee Gwee, Darwin - Australia]
Arriving in Darwin, she found many claim to be Christians and go to church regularly but they also turn to other spirits and practices. The environment is very laid-back.
These gave her a greater desperation to see a revival in Darwin, to see the city captivated by the love of God, acknowledging Him as their Saviour.
Mission Team from Hope Gold Coast

A mission team from Hope Gold Coast - Belle, Julie, Tom, Jason and Vivian, went to Darwin in July.
On the first day, they went to evangelise at Charles Darwin University. Although the campus was relatively empty, they were able to talk to a few students on campus and made some contacts.
The next day, they held a community BBQ in the city – feeding the homeless in the park and preaching in the mall. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned - they were delayed and missed the lunch time crowd. But they persevered on and managed to speak with a few people, and jammed with some guys on the guitar. Two of them were very keen to visit life group. They later accepted Christ at life group and were baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit at the same time!
The mission team went to the mall later that afternoon to perform a drama and share their testimonies. As they began to worship God, they sensed the presence of God. There was a new level of boldness and courage. Within half an hour, they had a salvation. They were blown away!

During the first life group held the next day, 3 visitors came along. Even though Belle’s laptop failed to work, and she had to preach without it, that didn’t stop God from moving powerfully. Two people gave their lives to Christ!
Let Go and Let God
This mission trip was unlike many others. Even though their original itinerary fell through and faced much spiritual opposition, they saw the power of the living God move powerfully through the team when they chose to let go and let God do the work.

After the mission team left, Renee conducted her first life group on her own. She was nervous, but chose to trust God. She had expected only three persons to attend, but five people turned up! It was very exciting to see how God is working.
[Belle and Tom at
water baptism in Darwin]
water baptism in Darwin]
Hebrews 13:8 says “Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.” His promise never fails, and His love will never fail. Please continue to pray that this ground breaking is the beginning of better things to come. The goal is to see at least 15 people come to life group by the end of this year.
Thank you for all your prayer and support.
Written by Renee Gwee