In January this year, we travelled literally half way around the world to visit our churches in Liberia. Our mission: to strengthen our churches in Monrovia and Gbarnga with leadership training, particularly in the aspects of leading life groups and establishing a healthy and growing life group model in their local context.
It was a great joy to be with our brothers and sisters in Liberia. The training was well received as evidenced by their hungry hearts and eagerness to learn and soak up everything they could. We had a good time teaching, sharing and much problem solving discussion. We also had the privilege of spending eight days with Ps Sonny and his lovely family, and were blessed to learn much from their lives.

All in all, it was an eventful and fruitful trip! Please keep Ps Sonny and our churches in Liberia in your prayers as they raise Christ-centered disciples and plant vibrant biblical churches in Liberia! Ps Lai Ling with a team of two others will be visiting them in March 2012. They will be preaching at a three-day crusade, speaking at the national Women’s Conference and continue to build on the leadership training.
May & Sunita
Hope Church Brisbane
It was a great joy to be with our brothers and sisters in Liberia. The training was well received as evidenced by their hungry hearts and eagerness to learn and soak up everything they could. We had a good time teaching, sharing and much problem solving discussion. We also had the privilege of spending eight days with Ps Sonny and his lovely family, and were blessed to learn much from their lives.

It was mostly a smooth journey with a couple of perhaps ‘usual-mission-trip-incidences’ that challenged and built our faith along the way. This including being surprised by an apparently void air ticket when we reached the airport counter; and our luggage did not quite make it to Liberia with us. So we had the opportunity to experience living on what felt like bare minimum for four days, and develop a deeper appreciation for how blessed we really are!

All in all, it was an eventful and fruitful trip! Please keep Ps Sonny and our churches in Liberia in your prayers as they raise Christ-centered disciples and plant vibrant biblical churches in Liberia! Ps Lai Ling with a team of two others will be visiting them in March 2012. They will be preaching at a three-day crusade, speaking at the national Women’s Conference and continue to build on the leadership training.
May & Sunita
Hope Church Brisbane