Pastor Mark Rusic in Hope Melbourne City Centre appointed Eric Fan to help pioneer a centre in Darebin, Melbourne. Below is a church planting testimony written by Eric Fan.
Hope Melbourne City Centre

Pioneering work in Darebin
First Fruit - Aussie accepted Christ
One week later, God gave us the first fruit with a young Aussie guy coming to accept Christ. He was actually the only Aussie guy in our meetings and was feeling a bit uncomfortable about this fact at first. However, what he and others visitors noticed very quickly was the friendliness and love of the members, and he was ripe to accept Christ.
Since then, God has blessed us with 3 more salvations. God has even sent workers from other parts of the Hope Movement to help us particularly at La Trobe University, Bundoora Campus with our outreach to students.
Working together as a team
I praise God for the hearts of the members who have committed themselves to the pioneering work in Darebin, whilst at the same time juggling other responsibilities. On a personal level, my wife and I are expecting our first baby at the end of July. I believe delivering a spiritual baby is equally amazing and exciting. And we feel so privileged to be involved.
Although as a team we have been challenged and stretched, there is a sense of joy as we know that God is refining and preparing us for greater things.
We aim to have a Church service started in Darebin by the end of September this year by God’s grace.
Filfilling the Great Commission
Over the coming months we pray that the momentum for his work in Darebin will continue to increase with designated care groups taking ownership of the Church, with members volunteering their time and energy in taking turns to go out for evangelism on a regular basis.
We know that apart from Him, we can do nothing. Our confidence is in God alone because we are serving a living God. We are simply obeying his command to GO in spreading the gospel everywhere. We have full confidence that God is working with us and will continue to give us encouraging signs that accompany his work in Darebin.
“After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. Then the disciples went out and preached every-where, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.” (Mark 16: 19-20)
Please do join with us to pray for God’s work in Darebin to flourish.
All Glory to God!
Eric Fan