Hope Busselton: Operation Esther
In January this year, Sandy had seen a vision of the South West and that the key for breakthrough was gathering local leaders together to PROPHESY over the land. In April God brought prophets (John and Monette Jacks) and we saw it as the perfect opportunity to gather local leaders and we, together, prophesied over the land from a high point. This led to a chain reaction of combined church activities (with 4 other churches involved) that lasted for 4 weeks.
One of these was the annual psychic fair. For the last 2 years we’ve had to change our venue for church, so they could have the fair. We preposed the possibility of doing something together and the churches got behind us. We ran a stall titled ‘spiritual re-birth and healing’ and the churches did a prayer chain that lasted the duration of the fair. It was a great success with one person after the other lining up for prayer and counselling for bad dreams, unwelcome apparitions, and guidance for the future. We set up a Christian bookstall and gave out many Bibles a
nd ‘40 days of purpose’ books. We have since been able to follow up some contacts. The unity of the churches was wonderful to see.
God has now given Nigel a vision to start ‘operation Esther’ – a strategy of prayer and fasting for the kids in the local Christian school, most of whom aren’t following God.
After a time of real testing, God is now bringing some new and exciting strategies for breakthrough. He has revealed to us the 2 key strongholds here are ‘false religion’ and ‘compromise’, but we are starting to see some release. Please pray for us as we move forward in him.
Nigel and Sandy Wittwer
Hope Busselton, WA