Monday, May 5, 2008



Hello everyone my name is Shen, and its been really really good to see what God has been doing in the whole movement so far, and such a great privilege to be part of the great commission....

Watch Video Interview

Called by God to plant Hope Hobart and this has been the 3 years where we have gone forth and we have seen God doing tremendous things during these 3 years.

The church has grown from strength to strength we have around 20 -25 people in our church these days, since starting 3 years ago where we only had 3 people.

And God has been so amazing when we went forth, he has provided me with a job and promotions after promotions he has given to me and even though I am working full time, and just preaching, worship leading, chairing every Sunday, a lot of things I' m just so impressed by the Grace of God. The grace of God and the love of God that is always there that God is Emmanuel always with us as we go forth.

And I want to encourage you, if God has a calling and a burden for your life to be part of the Great Commission I want to encourage you to go forth, because as you go forth the grace is there....

and that you will flourish and I want to encourage you to obey him for that is the plan that he has for your life. And there’s no other purpose no other plans that you can ever have that is better than Gods plan for you. Thank you

Shen Yee, Hope Hobart - Tasmania