Hi, my name is Eric, im the centre leader for Darebin centre in Hope Melbourne I would like to share how God used me to pioneer the centre, it all started around 3 years ago when Pastor Ian and Mark shared the strategic direction of church planting in Melbourne and I actually wrote down a goal to plant a church in my life time.
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And it came to pass in 2007, I felt called by God to rise up and take the challenge, despite the internal challenge that I had.
I felt God spoke to me through the book of Mark as well, when the disciples and preached the gospel everywhere and God worked with them and accompanied his work by signs and wonders and as I claimed that word, as I had confidence in God and stepped out in faith, I almost immediately knew God confirmed His Word.
He is Faithful. and there was 11 visitors that came along to the 1st meeting and the week after, an Australian guy accepted Christ and from then on we had people from Hope Bangkok and hope Singapore join us...
and encouraged to work the momentum and there were people who accepted Christ and were baptized and we formally launched the new centre in Darebin at the end of September 2007 and its been a real privilege to be involved.
I pray that all of you out there as well will really take the call of God and personalize in your life and make a significant difference in your life as well. God bless you.
Eric & Atom Fan, Hope Darebin Centre