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I just wanted to share, over the last few years, God has been challenging me to get involved in church planting, and fulfilling the great commission through filling the hope movement’s vision.
About the end of February 2007, myself and 2 others launched Hope Ourimbah Christian church and it has been really exciting, God has done some really great things, some of the things he has done is that he has grown each of the team members so amazingly, it has been one of the best growth growing times of our lives. He has brought us together as a family and also added new people to our little church family.
We have about 10 people involved at the moment and God has brought some really key people to get involved and have the heart to reach the central coast.
I really thank God for what he’s done, and the great work that he has been doing recently we just had O Week in the central coast.
We had 41 members join CCM which is really big for us and we praise God for that, and we see God adding key people and we really thank Him for that as well.
I am really enjoying Church planting, it’s been one of the most difficult but also one of the most rewarding experiences of my life and I want to spend the rest of my life doing it as well, even overseas or another place in Australia.
Praise God I just want to encourage you to be involved in Church planting, God is looking for someone who has a willing heart and who is willing to be used by Him, and Who wants to be trained and sent out, God can use you, don’t worry about your weaknesses, God will deal with those things, Gods going to use you, just have Faith.
So, I encourage you to step out, and come to Ourimbah, come help us church plant, or go to other places where God will call you.
Danny Whitbread, Hope Ourimba - Central Coast