Hope Hobart 3rd Anniversary & Launceston Mission Trip

On the 6th of July this year, Hope Hobart celebrated its third Anniversary. Indeed, the day marked a tremendous milestone as Hope Hobart dedicated the day to thank our God for what He has done in the last 3 years.
In the beginning, the church started off with only three members and the service was held in a house. The church has grown these years as God has graced the church with an amazing team of committed members who will faithfully go to the street to pass out gospel tracts weekly.
The church is now averaging around twenty people with a good blend of students, professionals, families, Australians, Africans, and Asians, and meets in a community hall in the city centre.

Hope Hobart has also seen God moving miraculously to minister to many people during their second Supernatural Sunday. For the first time, the church stepped out in faith to provide a sermon message that was coupled with Chinese interpretation for some of the Chinese students at the service. The team were so encouraged when two Chinese students gave their lives to Christ at the end of the service.
Mission Trip to Launceston
As the church grows, God has also graced Hope Hobart to have a heart for mission. Recently, 13 people from Hope Hobart went to their second mission trip to Launceston.
During the trip, the team shared the gospel message in the city mall through street preaching, one-on-one sharing, praise and worship and reading of the scriptures. The team also went to the university campus in Launceston for a prayer walk where they were burdened by God to pray for more harvesters to reach the students there.

During the trip, the team felt led by God to start the first Hope Sunday church service in Launceston. As the team stepped out in faith, God graced them by giving them a venue and seven visitors coming to the service. Since the mission trip, some team members have since grown in their heart burden to reach the people of Launceston for Christ.
We praise Him for his faithfulness to us and His work here in Tasmania as we look forward to the many amazing years ahead. It has been great to make history with God in this land.
Shen Yee
Hope Hobart, Tasmania