Just like the exploration team that Moses sent to the land of Canaan, we too wanted to “see what the land is like … What kind of towns do they live in? … How is the soil?” (Num 13:18-20).
View Mission Trip Video
We wanted to learn more about the Fijian culture and lifestyle and understand the spiritual condition of the land. We went with fear and trembling, at the same time with great anticipation and expectation of seeing God lead us. It was a great adventure! Praise God, we really experienced God’s blessings, protection and leading throughout the entire trip.
Reaching Fiji for Christ
We got to meet a few key people who were extremely hospitable and helpful towards us.
Through one of our Fijian friends here, we came to know a key leader of the Methodist Churches of the Suva Division – a well-known man in Fiji. He was such a blessing to us. He shared about the condition of the nation and his heart to see Fiji won for God, especially the youth – the future generation. It gave us a greater burden for Fiji.
University of the South Pacific (USP)
We visited the University of the South Pacific (USP), where we met 2 key persons from the student union where we shared a great time of sharing and hearing their experiences on campus and their hearts to see the students grow in their relationship with God.
We also got to share our testimonies when we visited the USP Christian Fellowship night meeting. We thank God for guiding us and leading us to the right people. We also thank God for His protection over us. While traveling to visit a pastor in another town 2 hours away, our van went over a speed bump and we heard something fall off from the van. We found out that it was one of the brake pads. We prayed and thank God for bringing us to our destination safely as we slowly maneuvered the hilly roads for another hour.
Interceding for the nation
During the trip, we spent time interceding for the nation, did prayer walks and talked with the locals. We truly see that Fiji is a land of great harvest.
Although Fiji is predominantly a Christian nation, most of them are nominal Christians who hardly experience God personally. God showed us that there is urgent need to build the people with the Word of God and biblical discipleship. We also saw a great potential amongst the youth, who make up of 37% of the Fiji population. Fiji is a key connection point to reach the rest of the surrounding Islands in the south Pacific because of its central location and infrastructure.
Students from neighboring islands come to study at USP in Fiji. As we reach people living in Fiji, we can reach many of the other islands as well.
God’s heart is for the people of Fiji to come to know Him and walk in His truth. Let us continue to pray for this nation.
If you are interested to know more about our church planting efforts to Fiji, please contact:
May Cheung
Hope Oceania Mission Coordinator
Email: missions@hopebrisbane.com