[Uganda, Africa Missions Trip Photos]
She is passionate about seeing God’s people capture God’s heart for the world, and be actively engaged in His global vision.
Short term missions (STM) has only been around since the late 1950s when groups like Youth With A Mission (YWAM) developed the concept that missionaries need not be those who go to the foreign for their entire lifetime, but they could be young people with just a few weeks to spare. Since its humble beginnings, the STM movement has grown explosively.
A short term mission is the mobilisation of a Christian to ministries done overseas, cross culturally or nationally for a short period of time ranging from days to one year. A short-termer is a willing and committed Christian to be used by God for a global purpose.

[Short-term Mission Trip to Uganda, Africa]
Why Do Short Term Missions?
There are many valuable benefits of being involved in short term missions – to the host church, to your friends and your church, and to yourself.
a. It stretches your faith and moulds your character.
You will have opportunities to do things you’ve never done before in your home church. It challenges you to rely on God. It grows your faith. It provides a context for the Spirit of God to do a significant work in your life.
b. It helps to confirm your vision.
Maybe you have sensed a call from God to be involved in long term missions. STM is a good preparation for long term mission work.
c. It can lead you to a deeper commitment to missions.
You become inspired by your experience which can lead to long-term commitment towards missions and even become significantly involved in the on-going missions thrust of your church. This includes becoming informed, enthusiastic senders, mobilisers, or even goers.
d. It helps your home church catch the vision
The testimonies and stories you bring back to your life group and church can encourage others to catch the vision. You will speak out of experience, not just textbook knowledge.
e. It increases your sensitivity to needs.
Exposure to issues of wealth, poverty and social estrangement challenges our perspectives and things we take for granted.
f. It gives you opportunity to interact with church planters and mission workers
The dedication, commitment and service of the missionary can inspire your personal walk with God.
g. It puts you in the right place at the right time.
STM teams may find God has placed them in a situation at just the right time to accomplish a special purpose eg to affirm & encourage a missionary who feels forgotten, to meet people who are ready to receive the gospel etc.
h. It honours and affirms the church planters and mission workers.
i. It extends the Kingdom of God
The benefits to the host church/country are: seeds of gospel are sown, people are converted, local church leaders are trained, local church is ministered and Body of Christ is encouraged etc.

What Types of Short Term Missions You Can Be Involved In
a. Exploration trip – to survey the land for pioneering opportunities and search entry vehicles.
b. Extension – ministry to existing local churches. Eg leadership training, evangelism & outreach, ministry training
c. Secondment or Attachment – to strengthen and serve in a church in another locality for several weeks or months
d. Community Development & Humanitarian Aid – in areas of medical, education, construction. Eg Watoto, Effective Aid
e. Intercession – do prayer walks in the target city/town.
f. Pastoral visitation – to encourage and bless the long term mission workers.

Someone once said that short term mission is a normal part of discipleship. The short term mission process is a great opportunity to disciple members.
We have been given stewardship of the gospel. Not everyone is called to be a missionary but everyone is called to the mission of bringing the gospel globally and cross culturally (the Great Commission). Short term mission is one way every person can be involved. I encourage you to aim to go on a mission trip at least once in your lifetime.
For His Kingdom sake,
May Cheung
Missions Coordinator, Hope Oceania
[Hope Oceania Missions Website]
Reference: Adapted from Hope Singapore “Stepping out to short-term missions”.